[Troop351] More Talladega Info

Robby C. Sperr (Home) Robby at sperr.org
Tue Sep 27 10:41:15 CDT 2022


It's unlikely NASCAR would cancel a race more than a few hours before the race is scheduled to start because of rain. Even if it looks like it's going to be a rainy weekend, there's a good chance we'll still be able to see at least one race. If all of the races get rained out, there's still a lot to see and do down there and we'll have a good time (so long as everyone packs the right gear for rain).

In the unlikely event that the weather appears unsafe for camping at Talladega, we have many backup locations for camping, some of them in the opposite direction of Talladega, and we'll have an adventure somewhere else.

Attached is some additional information provided by Talladega.

For the best Scouting experience, here are some ground rules our troop has established:

  *   We always leave from the Scout campground AS A TROOP. No scouts should leave the Scout campground without the rest of the troop, even with an adult or with a buddy. If there's an emergency, let me know.
  *   Porta-johns are provided for us in the Scout campground. Unless the porta-john is inside our camp site, Scouts must take a buddy with them to the porta-john.
  *   Scouts should not use the shower house at any time during the weekend.
Here is a tentative schedule. The SPL may make some adjustments as needed:
5:30pm  Depart Asbury
8:00pm  Refuel at Buc-ee's in Leed's
9:00pm  Arrive at Talladega

8:30am   Hike to Garage Experience
10:45am Meet back at Campground for lunch
11:30am Truck Race
3:00pm    Xfinity race
5:00pm    Return to camp

8:30am   Hike to Garage Experience
11:30am Meet back at Campground for lunch
1:00pm   Cup race -- hurry to vehicles as soon as the race ends
Dinner on the way home

I've had to rearrange the patrols a bit. Here's the updated roster:


  *   Bennett Smith (Patrol Leader) {arriving Saturday morning}
  *   Trevor Sperr (Acting SPL)
  *   Noah Gallagher (Grubmaster)
  *   Roddy Boatwright
  *   Carson Drake (Chaplain's Aide)
  *   Isaac Cooley (Webelos)

Magical Narwhals

  *   Isaac Fleming (Acting Patrol Leader)
  *   Archer Sisco (Grubmaster)

  *   Ryan Shurtz {arriving Saturday morning}
  *   Benjamin Klasing
  *   Marshall McCall
  *   Grayson Barlowe (Webelos)

Los Huevos

  *   Alex Cook (Acting Patrol Leader)
  *   Nicholas Cooley {arriving Saturday morning}
  *   Bryce Sisco (Grubmaster)
  *   Samuel Klasing (Quartermaster) {arriving Saturday morning}
  *   David Caine
  *   Cameron Edwards
  *   Jackson Partin (Webelos)

 Adult Patrol #1

  *   Robby Sperr (Trekmaster) (Driving 8)
  *   Brady Gallagher (grubmaster) (Driving 5)
  *   Monte Bateman (Driving 6)
  *   Frank McCall
  *   Adam Fleming
  *   Brad Partin

Adult Patrol #2

  *   Josh Cooley (grubmaster) (Driving 6)
  *   Donald Klasing

  *   Ric Shurtz {arriving Saturday morning} (Driving 4)

  *   Landon Barlowe
  *   Brandon SIsco

  *   Cameron Smith {camping/eating with Pack, arriving Saturday morning} (Driving 2)
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