[Troop351] Talladega Update

Robby C. Sperr (Home) Robby at sperr.org
Thu Sep 29 20:34:24 CDT 2022


PLEASE arrive at the Asbury shed no later than 5pm. Our acting-SPL and Quartermaster met tonight and got all of the troop gear situated in the trailer so all we have to do is add personal gear and head out.

PLEASE bring a hat, sunglasses, and rain gear. There's not a lot of shelter from the elements where we'll be most of the daytime this weekend and you need to be prepared for all of the elements. Also, bring a water bottle and hydrate thoroughly in the morning.

If you are a scout with a leadership position (especially one notated in the roster below), PLEASE take your job seriously this weekend and be prepared to explain what you did this weekend to fulfill your responsibilities should that just happen to come up at your next board of review.

Our contact at Talladega told me yesterday that he got our scouts access to the "fist bump tunnel." Our scouts will be able to get autographs and give fist bumps to the drivers as they exit the drivers' meeting.

Mr. Cooley has agreed to head down early and secure our camp site. THANK YOU MR. COOLEY!

Below is the updated roster, but the only change is adding Mr. Partin as a driver to make up Mr. Cooley heading down early. If I have the patrol leaders listed incorrectly, we'll get that sorted out Friday night. If you have questions on Friday, call or text me: 256-527-3599. I won't have much of a chance to check my email during the day on Friday.


  *   Bennett Smith (Patrol Leader) {arriving Saturday morning}
  *   Trevor Sperr (Acting SPL)
  *   Noah Gallagher (Grubmaster)
  *   Roddy Boatwright
  *   Carson Drake (Chaplain's Aide)
  *   Isaac Cooley (Webelos)

Magical Narwhals

  *   Isaac Fleming (Acting Patrol Leader)
  *   Archer Sisco (Grubmaster)

  *   Ryan Shurtz {arriving Saturday morning}
  *   Benjamin Klasing
  *   Marshall McCall
  *   Grayson Barlowe (Webelos)

Los Huevos

  *   Alex Cook (Acting Patrol Leader)
  *   Nicholas Cooley {arriving Saturday morning}
  *   Bryce Sisco (Grubmaster)
  *   Samuel Klasing (Quartermaster) {arriving Saturday morning}
  *   David Caine
  *   Cameron Edwards
  *   Jackson Partin (Webelos)

Adult Patrol #1

  *   Robby Sperr (Trekmaster) (Driving 8)
  *   Brady Gallagher (grubmaster) (Driving 5)
  *   Monte Bateman (Driving 6)
  *   Frank McCall
  *   Adam Fleming
  *   Brad Partin

Adult Patrol #2

  *   Josh Cooley (grubmaster) (Driving 2)
  *   Donald Klasing

  *   Ric Shurtz {arriving Saturday morning} (Driving 4)

  *   Landon Barlowe
  *   Brandon SIsco (Driving 4)
  *   Cameron Smith {camping/eating with Pack, arriving Saturday morning} (Driving 2)

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