[Troop351] Weekly Update

David Cybuck dpcybuck at gmail.com
Mon May 23 16:28:02 CDT 2022

"Its a little confusing.  Pineapple pie costs 1.45 in Barbados but it costs
5.41 in Tortuga.  But, I guess those are just the PieRates of the
Caribbean.  ARRRRRR."

   - Backpacking was postponed to Friday June 4.
   - Cotton Row Run volunteer signup coming.  Fun experience and service
   hours (maybe even a t-shirt)

*May 23 Meeting*

   - We are getting ready for our *COOKING CONTEST - Who will win the
   Golden skillet?*

May 23 Grubmastering instruction

*10-15min presentation on advancement process (Mr. Sperr)*

Present cookoff plans (two weeks)

Flags- 42s

May 30

Advancement day if sufficient participation

Cotton Row Run (morning)

Flags- Magical Narwals

June 6

*Cookoff (Golden Skillet Competition)*

Budget- $15

(Scoring system in development)

   - Uniforms - *Contest extended to the first week in June* (to account
   for less May meetings)  way to go, Spartans maintaining their lead..

   - Pants are the toughest - Does an enterprising parent want to organize
      a size swap?
      - Neckerchief slides can be second toughest - search youtube for make
      a neckerchief slide.
      - *Confirmed, the prize will be fame AND fortune.*
   - *S*ummer camp
   - Finish payment
      - The scouts all received a printed schedule
      - Let's suppose, maybe, however unlikely, they lost it... email Mr.
      Cooley for links or another printed copy


   - Backpacking, postponed to June 4 and the trek that should include
   options for first time backpackers.


   We will return to the Sipsey Trail area of the Bankhead Forest for
   camping and backpacking. Please use the link above to let us know *if
   you’ll** be attending or not.* This is one of the best trips we
take throughout
   the year, so don’t miss out!

Parent reminder:

   - Mr. Sleasman will be the trek master taking us to Sipsey wilderness.
   - We have checklists, removed the need to collect money, and are looking
   for new trek masters.
   - Can't do a full trek?  Organize a Saturday morning hike on rainbow
      mountain, or a Saturday afternoon bowling, or a friday night bike ride,
      etc.  We can help you.

   - Come to the committee - see what its all about and how you can help.
      - We need a secretary and a "Webelo Whisperer"
         - Mellisa Davison and Debra Cybuck have stepped up.
         - You can help your boys have the best scouting experience even if
      you can't go camping or be at Monday meetings (committee things are
      typically Thursday).

   - Don't want to pay dues in a lump sum?  Do what I did, subscribe via
   Paypal.  $25/month PayPal subscription
      - Set that up here: https://bsa351.org/t351-home-page/join-the-troop/
      - Note:  I also used paypal to make my summer camp deposit.


   - Monday Nights 19:00 - 20:30 except on holidays or severe weather
      - No school in Madison City, no meeting.
      - *We still meet in the summer, same time and place.*
   - Asbury UMC Five Points Gym (google maps 34.728737, -86.742075)
   - New Scouts are welcome, and encouraged to contact Scoutmaster and
   Committee chair in advance
      - dpcybuck at gmail.com; jbcooley at cooleyhome.com;

*OA info:*

   - Next Chapter Meeting: *June???  (Not sure when the summer break
   starts...find them online for details).*
*Round Table Location:*
First United Methodist Church
   120 Greene St. Huntsville, Al.

   *Find us Online!*
      - http://coosa50.org/
      - https://www.facebook.com/coosalodge/
      - https://twitter.com/coosalodge
      - https://www.instagram.com/coosalodge/
      - https://www.youtube.com/user/coosashows
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