[Troop351] Weekly Update

David Cybuck dpcybuck at gmail.com
Mon May 16 10:25:38 CDT 2022

*May 16 Meeting*

   - Plan backpacking for this weekend. Use the link below to tell us if
   you are going, or not going.
      - *More information will come and here is some standard backpacking
      - Scouts will need a hiking grade backpack, a good pair of hiking
      boots, a backpacking tent or Hammock, wet weather gear, at least 2-3 sets
      of summer clothes, mole skin, 3-4 pair of socks, and minimally
2-3 Nalgene
      type water bottles. (So you can carry 2-3 liters of water).
      - Scouts will need to bring their own food for this trip; 3 meals for
      Saturday and 2 meals for Sunday.  Recommend freeze dried food that can be
      eaten by adding warm water.
      - No need to buy a Jet Boil, there are plenty of people with Jet
      Boils in the troop that you can use.
      - Tonight we will do some requirements with ropes
   - Swimming!!
      - We swam last week and had some fun too.
      - Some got to work on requirement 5c too; some life saving techniques.
      - Not drowning, you or any scout ever, is actually a big part of

   - Uniforms - May has a uniform contest going - *way to go, Spartans* take
   the early lead.
      - Pants are the toughest - Does an enterprising parent want to
      organize a size swap?
      - Neckerchief slides can be second toughest - search youtube for make
      a neckerchief slide.
      - *Confirmed, prize will be fame AND fortune.*
   - *S*ummer camp
   - Finish payment
      - The scouts all received a printed schedule
      - Let's suppose, maybe, however unlikely, they lost it... email
      jbcooley at cooleyhome.com for links or another printed copy


   - May 20th should be backpacking, and a trek that should include options
   for first time backpackers.


   We will return to the Sipsey Trail area of the Bankhead Forest on May
   20-22 2022 for camping and backpacking. Please use the link above to let us
   know *if you’ll** be attending or not.* This is one of the best trips we
   take throughout the year, so don’t miss out!

Parent reminder:

   - @Rob and Deanna Sleasman <drandmira at yahoo.com> will be the trek master
   taking us to Sipsey wilderness on May 20.
   - We have checklists, removed the need to collect money, and are looking
   for new trek masters.
   - Can't do a full trek?  Organize a Saturday morning hike on rainbow
      mountain, or a Saturday afternoon bowling, or a friday night bike ride,
      etc.  We can help you.

   - Come to the committee - see what its all about and how you can help.
      - We need a secretary and a "Webelo Whisperer"
         - @Melissa Davison <bookharlot at gmail.com> and @Debra Cybuck
         <dscybuck at gmail.com> have stepped up.
         - You can help your boys have the best scouting experience even if
      you can't go camping or be at Monday meetings (committee things are
      typically Thursday).

   - Don't want to pay dues in a lump sum?  Do what I did, subscribe via
   Paypal.  $25/month PayPal subscription
      - Set that up here: https://bsa351.org/t351-home-page/join-the-troop/
      - Note:  I also used paypal to make my summer camp deposit.


   - Monday Nights 19:00 - 20:30 except on holidays or severe weather
      - No school in Madison City, no meeting.
   - Asbury UMC Five Points Gym (google maps 34.728737, -86.742075)
   - New Scouts are welcome, and encouraged to contact Scoutmaster and
   Committee chair in advance
      - dpcybuck at gmail.com; jbcooley at cooleyhome.com;

*OA info:*

   - Next Chapter Meeting: *June???  (Not sure when the summer break
   starts...find them online for details).*
*Round Table Location:*
First United Methodist Church
   120 Greene St. Huntsville, Al.

   *Find us Online!*
      - http://coosa50.org/
      - https://www.facebook.com/coosalodge/
      - https://twitter.com/coosalodge
      - https://www.instagram.com/coosalodge/
      - https://www.youtube.com/user/coosashows
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