[Troop351] Camporee Roster

Josh Cooley jbcooley at cooleyhome.com
Mon Apr 1 21:53:08 CDT 2024

Below is the roster I have for camporee.  I may not have all the updates
from the meeting, so please review and let me know if you need to change
anything.  If you volunteered to drive, and I don't have you listed, please
let me know.

If you signed up to be grubmaster, please let me know.  I only have Barrett
Dykes as grubmaster for "patrol 2".  Please hold off on buying food until
an updated roster is sent out Wednesday.  For those looking ahead for food,
the budget is $25/scout for all meals and snacks.  Sunday should be a grab
and go breakfast and Friday will be a sack dinner for the road.

I'll send a follow up email with the full patrol breakdown, but for now I
only broke out the new patrols.  (Hopefully we'll have time during camporee
to discuss patrol names)

Patrols - 42s, Battleships, Los  Huevos, Magical Narwhals, Patriots
Max Ott
Isaac Fleming
Joseph Jetton
Benjamin Klasing
Bryce Sisco (OA staff)
Levi Cybuck
Elliot Davison
Joshua Hawthorne
Eddie Leffingwell

Patrol 1
Logan Ashcroft
Liam Baker
Kaden Boyer (leaving early Sun)
CJ Conley
Silas Goldstein
Cooper Davison
Jasper Cybuck
Asher Cornett

Patrol 2
Seth Fleming (leaving early Sun)
Rhylan Holcombe
Rowan McHale
Tyler Pysh
Barrett Dykes
Aaron King
Parker Vaden (leaving Sat)

Josh Cooley
Adam Fleming (leaving early Sun)
Alex Conley
Will King
David Cybuck
John Leffingwell (driving only)
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