[Troop351] Talladega Campout
Robby C. Sperr (Home)
Robby at sperr.org
Sat Sep 24 09:27:04 CDT 2022
Here are the details for the campout at Talladega next weekend:
What to bring:
* The attached permission slip
* Class-A shirt and BSA shorts/pants. They’ll be worn for travel and while outside the campsite at the track
* Class-B shirt(s) to be worn in camp
* Parts A&B of the BSA Medical Form <https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/HealthSafety/pdf/680-001_ABC.pdf?_gl=1*n7lm6h*_ga*ODU3NDg5NTY0LjE2NjM0MzEyNzM.*_ga_20G0JHESG4*MTY2NDAyNTkyOS4yLjEuMTY2NDAyNTkyOS42MC4wLjA.&_ga=2.96360853.80724938.1664025930-857489564.1663431273> unless the one we have on file is less than a year old.
* Debit/credit card for souvenirs and lunch at the track on Sunday and dinner on the way home. The vendors inside the track are cashless, so if your scout doesn’t have a debit card, you might get them a Visa gift card for the trip. If you have any concerns with this, let me know and I’m happy to help.
* Hearing protection (required)
* Day pack
* Sun protection: hat, sunglasses, sunscreen. We won't be in the shade very often.
* Personal camping gear including water bottle(s), mess kit, tent, sleeping bag, etc. If you need more details on this, don't hesitate to ask. It's unlikely that we'll have enough trees near our site for hammocks.
* Scout book in a waterproof bag (large Ziploc bags work fine).
Food & Logistics:
* If you or your scout have any food alergies or dietary restrictions, please let me know this weekend.
* Accompanying Adults: please let me know this weekend your preference for driving or not driving. We're limited on parking space and need to try to keep it to 4 or 5 vehicles so they don't make us all park in the overflow parking in the next county.
* Arrive at Asbury’s scout shed by 5pm on Friday
* Eat before you arrive on Friday, or bring something to eat on the way.
* We'll assign grubmasters and plan meals on Monday night's meetings. Aside from the two meals we'll eat at the track or on the way home, all other meals will be provided by the troop. You're welcome to bring snacks, if you'd like.
* Check the forecast -- this time of year, it's likely to be chilly at night and hot during the day. Please pack clothing appropriate for the weather, including something for rain.
* My cell phone number is 256-527-3599. Call, text or email if you have any questions before or during the trip. Cell reception is generally terrible at the track for Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobile.
* Our arrival back into Madison has been as late as 8pm in previous years. We’ll notify parents well ahead of our arrival.
Other details:
* Be prepared to work on rank or merit badge requirements during down time.
* Talladega has a free app<https://www.talladegasuperspeedway.com/nascar-tracks-app/?cid=TSS_EM_PE_WL_TSS22FallTracksApp_220921>
* Scanner rentals start at $59 and it's best to order online ahead of time.<https://racingelectronics.com/collections/rentals/products/talladega-2>
About Troop 351 Campouts:
This trip will be a Scouts BSA, boy-led, troop campout, not family camping. If you're attending this campout with your scout, you'll enjoy a fun weekend with like-minded adults who cherish the responsibility of raising young men. At the end of the weekend, you'll have a wonderful time swapping stories with your son about your shared experiences. During most of the weekend, though, he'll be busy practicing scouting and you'll be busy relaxing. Please help me facilitate this process by keeping the boys engaged with each other and not the adults. Adults will have their own patrol(s) and will camp apart from the boys (as space allows). Webelos may tent with their parent, if they so choose. The buddy method and patrol method will be exercised and enforced, and the SPL (Senior Patrol Leader) will be your son's best resource for questions and concerns. Here are the patrols:
* Bennett Smith (Patrol Leader)
* Trevor Sperr (Acting SPL)
* Noah Gallagher (Grubmaster)
* Roddy Boatwright
* Carson Drake (Chaplain's Aide)
* Isaac Cooley (Webelos)
Magical Narwhals
* Isaac Fleming (Acting Patrol Leader)
* Ryan Shurtz
* David Caine
* Archer Sisco
* Samuel Klasing (Quartermaster)
* Grayson Barlowe (Webelos)
Los Huevos
* Benjamin Klasing (Patrol Leader)
* Alex Cook
* Nicholas Cooley
* Bryce Sisco
* Jackson Partin (Webelos)
* Robby Sperr (Trekmaster)
* Cameron Smith
* Brady Gallagher
* Donald Klasing
* Josh Cooley
* Ric Shurtz
* Monte Bateman
* Adam Fleming
* Brandon SIsco
* Cassie Barlowe
* Brad Partin
Let me know if you have any questions.
Yours in Scouting,
Robby Sperr
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