[Troop351] Popcorn Storefront Sale This Coming Sunday, 9/25!

Timothy Lang tjlangco at gmail.com
Wed Sep 21 19:24:08 CDT 2022


We have another popcorn storefront on Sunday, 9/25. Many shifts are still
available. In fact,* there are some well-trafficked shifts during the
early-to-mid afternoon that need staffing! *

We will be at the Huntsville Kroger on North Memorial Parkway (431 &
Oakwood). In Trails End there are two separate shift blocks you can sign up
within, one 8a-2p, and one 2-8p. Within those blocks you can sign up for
1-hour shifts.

The patrol pocket knife challenge is still up for grabs! Right now we have
the 42s at 8 scout hours, the Patriots at 7 scout hours, and the Huevos &
Spartans at 4 scout hours apiece. But that is not a lot of time difference
between any of the patrols, given we have the storefront for the entire day!

Thanks very much to those who have already signed up for shifts this

Thanks again,
Timothy Lang
Troop 351 Popcorn Kernel
tjlangco at gmail.com

P.S., If you need help registering in Trails End, please don't hesitate to
contact me.
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