[Troop351] Recruiting Adults for Summer Camp

Josh Cooley jbcooley at cooleyhome.com
Wed May 11 20:54:21 CDT 2022


We have a large group of scouts going to summer camp this year.  Our troop
also has a group going to Philmont this year.  To make sure we can do both,
we need a volunteer to help with transportation back home and possibly camp
the second half of the week (June 22-25).  The most important need is
transportation on Saturday.  We are close on the number of seat belts, and
camping gear will be in the trailer, so you don't need a large vehicle to
help out.

If you'd like to camp with us the second half of the week and are not yet
registered we can work quickly to get you registered so you can stay at
camp.  If you plan to stay at a hotel and just be there for transportation
you would only need to complete the youth protection training.

If you are at all interested in helping out, or have questions about camp,
please let me know.

Josh Cooley
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