[Troop351] Summer Camp Updates

Josh Cooley jbcooley at cooleyhome.com
Thu Jun 9 10:32:12 CDT 2022

The camp last year provided a nice checklist to use when packing for summer
camp.  In addition to the notes below, you may want to use the attached
checklist when packing for camp this year.  Even though we are going to a
new camp, the checklist provides a useful guide for packing for summer
camp.  Make sure you are gathering your supplies and starting to pack now.

Josh Cooley

On Wed, May 25, 2022 at 3:40 PM Josh Cooley <jbcooley at cooleyhome.com> wrote:

> With summer camp coming up in less than a month, campers will need to be
> prepared.
>    - Before Camp
>       - Turn in an updated *med form A + B*.
>       - Ensure your *Med form C* is current.
>       - Pack your gear early.  You should have a tote or large duffle bag
>       for your gear.  We will have a trailer loading day some time before the
>       Sunday we depart.
>    - Camp (June 19-25)
>       - Arrive at Asbury at 5:30.
>       - Eat breakfast before you leave.
>       - Bring a sack lunch.  We will stop at a rest stop for a picnic
>       lunch.
>       - Wear your Field *Uniform *(class A).  We will be travelling in
>       uniform.
>       - Pack all your pack t-shirts if you have them.
>       - Wear *close toed shoes* (and an extra pair if you have them)
>       - Pack additional clothes as appropriate for the classes and free
>       time activities.
>          - swim gear (incl towel) for waterfront activities (not just
>          swimming)
>          - Pants and long sleeve shirt if welding
>          - etc
>       - Money for the camp store
>       - Separate money for lunch on the return home.
>       - Sleeping bag, pillow, toiletries, and other camping gear.  No
>       tents necessary, but a hammock is allowed
> We would like to have the most current information for med forms.  B has
> current medications, including over the counter meds.  If you have not
> turned in med forms A & B recently, please submit updated forms.  These can
> be filled out at home.  Med form C should be filled out by a doctor
> sometime after June 26, 2021.  The doctor's office will often fill those
> out without a visit if you've already visited for a check-up in the last
> year.
> You need A, B, and C under "Are you going to camp?" here -
> https://www.scouting.org/health-and-safety/ahmr/
> If we do not have a current med form for every camper (scout and adult),
> you will not be departing for camp Sunday morning.  The camp and BSA
> requires these forms for summer camp, and will not allow anyone to stay
> without them.
> Everyone will need a tote or large bag for camp.  A foot locker from
> Walmart is recommended and should hold all your gear.  The hard sides make
> it easier to stack in the trailer, and they are large enough to pack a
> week's worth of gear.
> https://www.walmart.com/ip/Sterilite-Footlocker-Plastic-Black/16415912
> Note that this will be packed and loaded on the trailer before we depart.
> If you need toothbrushes, pillows, medicines, lunch or any other gear,
> prepare a *small* day pack.  It may be in your lap for 6 hours.
> The camp store has snacks and souvenirs.  The frozen treats are great on
> warm days.  The camp store also has knives for sale.  A scout must have
> their totin' chip to purchase a knife, but purchases should be considered
> before camp since that could eat up a few days of regular spending money.
> We will stop for lunch on the way back.  Scouts will need to purchase
> lunch on the return trip.  The selection will be dependent on the timing of
> our departure and where we are by lunch time.  Scouts should keep lunch
> money for the return trip separate from spending money, either in another
> envelope or have some other means of reserving that.
> Mail is always appreciated at camp.  If parents would like to send mail to
> campers, please send it days before we leave.  Anything sent after
> Wednesday will not arrive before we leave.  Mail should be addressed as
> follows
> Scout's Name
> Scout's Troop #
> Camp Old Indian
> 601 Callahan Mountain Road,
> Travelers Rest, SC 29690
> Yours in Scouting,
> Josh Cooley
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