[Troop351] Summer Camp

Josh Cooley jbcooley at cooleyhome.com
Fri Jan 3 11:50:49 CST 2025

It's time to start registering for Summer Camp.  Scouts should be updating
their med form C
<https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/HealthSafety/pdf/680-001_ABC.pdf> on
their next doctor's visit.  These are only good for a year, and you will
need a new one signed on or after June 22, 2024.  You can turn these in as
they are completed, and I will update the troop binder.

Camp Sequoyah
June 15-21
$325 total ($75 due February 3rd)

You can use money credited to your scout account from popcorn sales to
apply to summer camp.  We will try to get that information available
in a meeting soon.
Greater Alabama Council has a campership program if you apply for help
paying the cost of camp.  We will post information on that process soon.

Class registration is not likely to be open until late March.  The class
selection should be similar to those offered last year.  You can look at
classes you might be able to sign up for with these forms:
Merit Badge Schedule
Merit Badge Selection Form
Please wait for the 2025 version of these forms before turning them in.

Mrs. Cornett has volunteered to support summer camp registration.  Please
see her at meetings to register for camp and when classes are open she will
take your class registrations.

Adult leaders that would like to attend camp to support our troop, please
email me.  We have a limited number of adult spots, and the final number of
spots will depend on the number of scouts attending camp.  Partial weeks
are available if you are not available the full week of June 15-21.  If you
have an option to take a large passenger vehicle, please plan for that.

Josh Cooley
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