[Troop351] Cavern Cove Shooting Competition Volunteers

Josh Cooley jbcooley at cooleyhome.com
Fri Oct 18 11:44:16 CDT 2024

The troop will supply sandwiches and chips for lunch.  Scouts should bring
a water bottle.  There will also be a food truck there, but I do not have
the menu or costs for this.  There will be no cost for the food the troop
provides.  We have plenty of slots available for volunteers.  Please let me
know if you plan to attend so we can have the right amount of food.

Scouts should have their class A for the flag ceremony and fundraising.
They should also have clothes appropriate for spray painting targets.
Scouts should have non-uniform clothes for painting.  The weather will be
cool and sunny during the day, with a colder start to the day on Saturday.

Please arrive Saturday at 7am at the scout shed.  We will depart promptly.
We plan to return by 4pm.
Aaron King
Cooper Davison
Isaac Cooley
Jasper Cybuck
Mason Hoogstra
Seth Fleming
Silas Goldstein

Doug Goldstein
Josh Cooley

Please arrive Sunday at 7:30am at the scout shed.  We will depart
promptly.  We plan to return by 2pm.
Archer Sisco
Bryce Sisco
Carson Drake
Isaac Cooley
John Litavec
Levi Cybuck
Luke Bogardus

Brandon Sisco
Josh Cooley

On Mon, Oct 14, 2024 at 10:16 PM Josh Cooley <jbcooley at cooleyhome.com>

> The troop has a shooting sports campout at Cavern Cove Shooting Range
> every year.  We've been invited to attend and support a competition this
> weekend.  Saturday we perform a flag ceremony at the opening.  Both
> Saturday and Sunday we will be collecting donations, selling popcorn, and
> painting targets for the shooters.
> Scouts signed up at the meeting tonight.  Some scouts wanted to check
> their home calendar before signing up.  We still have plenty of volunteer
> slots, so let me know if you plan to attend.  If a scout signed up that has
> a conflict, please let me know.
> *We need an additional adult for Sunday*
> The calendar shows event times if scouts are attending partial days.  The
> times below are for departure from the scout shed to return to the scout
> shed.
> Saturday 7am - 4pm
> Aaron King
> Cooper Davison
> Isaac Cooley
> Mason Hoogstra
> Seth Fleming
> Silas Goldstein
> Sunday 7:30am-2pm
> Bryce Sisco
> Carson Drake
> Isaac Cooley
> John Litavec
> Luke Bogardus
> Seth Fleming
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