[Troop351] Backpacking Plans

Josh Cooley jbcooley at cooleyhome.com
Tue Nov 19 21:54:35 CST 2024

We are going backpacking this weekend.  Please check the roster to ensure I
have you listed in the right trek and let me know if there are any changes,
drops, or adds.  I've also included a couple of links to help with packing
and some important information on meal plans and water.

Here's the itinerary for this weekend.
Meet up at Asbury at 5pm.
Depart for Fiery Gizzard North Trailhead.
Head to camp at Grundy Forest Campground near the trailhead when we arrive
Split into 3 groups Saturday morning.
Long group departs for the South trailhead, and returns north to Little
Cove campsite to camp Saturday night.
Medium group departs south to Little Cove campsite to camp Saturday night
Short group will take a 5 mile hike along the trail and return to the
Grundy Forest Campground to camp Saturday night.
Sunday morning, all groups will return to the trailhead parking lot.
Arrival at Asbury will be in multiple groups based on the pace of each
group.  ETA to be posted to band.

This is a backpacking trip, and all campers will be responsible for their
own meals.  You can get MREs or dehydrated backpacking meals at various
stores.  If you are backpacking, you will want foods that are dense and
high in calories.  Do not plan to bring food that requires a cooler unless
you're on the short trek and gotten approval from an adult leader on the
short trek.  Plan to pack your food trash in ziploc bags and bring it
home with you.  Medium and long trek hikers should *bring a lunch or heavy
snack for Sunday*.

Bring at least 2 containers for water totalling about 3 liters.  You will
be able to fill those at the trailhead and at base camp.  The ranger has
told us this week that the rain has made the water situation better and we
could be filtering water from the streams.  Make sure you are prepared to
carry your water, and you may be able to lighten your load on Saturday if
water is readily available.

Make sure you have packed for cold weather.  In addition to drinking water,
being able to stay warm is one of the most important things you will need
to do this weekend.

Here is an REI provided checklist.  You do not need everything on this list.
This list has some good explanations.

For clothes, prefer to pack layers rather than 3 days of clothes.  You want
to have a dry base layer of clothes to put on at the end of the day and let
your other clothes air out.  Be sure to have something warm and dry to
sleep in.  You should be able to alternate day clothes.

Isaac Caldwell - Long
Luke Bogardus - Long
Owen Lang - Long
Bryce Sisco - Long
John Litavec - Long
Luke Gallagher - Long
Isaac Fleming - Medium
Seth Fleming - Medium
Tyler Carrol - Medium
Brian Nguyen - Medium
Cooper Davison - Medium
Ryan Colquett - Medium
Stewart Sleasman - Medium
Jasper Cybuck - Medium
Bennett Smith - Medium
Mason Hoogstra - Medium
Archer Sisco - Short
Isaac Cooley - Short
Nathan Gardner - Short
Asher Cornett - Short
Tyler Pysh - Short
Henry Whitt - Short
Andy Nguyen - (TBD)
Liam Baker - (TBD)
Carson Drake - (Maybe/TBD)

James Caldwell - Long
Bryan Bogardus - Long
Brady Gallagher - Long
Cameron Smith - Medium
David Cybuck - Medium
Adam Fleming - Medium
Mike Carrol - Medium
Josh Cooley - Short
John Gardner - Short
Jennifer Cornet - Short
Daniel Whitt - Short
Preston Pysh - Short (maybe/Arriving Sat.)
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