[Troop351] Shooting Sports Campout

David Cybuck dpcybuck at gmail.com
Mon Mar 4 17:54:50 CST 2024

Just a reminder.  Go into scoutbook and RSVP for shooting sports camp out.
We'll be using time during tonight's meeting to plan some meals, service
project, and possible flag retirement.  It will be easier if we have a
better idea of who is going.
Mr. Cybuck

On Fri, Mar 1, 2024 at 8:15 AM David Cybuck <dpcybuck at gmail.com> wrote:

> You'll see this in Scout book and Band, and I wanted to add the reminder
> here (email).
> March is shooting sports at CCCS.  Here is some of the information you'll
> need.
> AND, and if you are arriving Saturday morning instead of traveling with
> the troop Friday night please leave a comment in Scoutbook or Band.
> Links for comments or questions:
> https://band.us/band/90912264/schedule/6%2F90912264%2F350460976%2F19700101
> https://scoutbook.scouting.org/mobile/dashboard/calendar/event.asp?EventID=5692485&UnitID=63280
> For those new to the troop, CCCS is a private range with ownership that
> loves and respects scouting.  One of the owners is a troop 351 Alumni
> family.  We return this kindness by performing a service project, keeping
> the facilities clean, and being respectful of the range members.  Depending
> on the boys, there might be an opportunity for a flag retirement Saturday
> evening.  This link has a great map of the property; check it out to get a
> feeling for its size layout.
> https://www.caverncovecompetitiveshooting.com/range-camping
> We will be camping at *Cavern Cove Competitive Shooting Range  (373
> Ambush Trail, Woodville, Al).*  We will have the troop trailer to
> transport troop equipment and personal gear.  The weather that time of year
> will likely be *forecasted for a chance of* rain Weather
> <https://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?lon=-86.26190185546875&lat=34.58319239785047#.ZEH8tS3My1s> and
> mild temperatures reaching highs in the 60s during the day and lows of 40
> at night.  Since the lows will be in the 40s please have appropriate
> clothing to keep you warm at night and in the morning.* Bring rain gear
> and some extra dry clothes*.  Regarding the weather, They have a big
> pavilion to get away from the rain. Shooting can be done from under
> shelters.  This is one venue with a good mitigation from the rain.
> There is access to an improved bath house with showers.  We have several
> options for activities during the day on Saturday like shooting,
> hiking/orienteering, conservation, etc. so be prepared.
> It is a great idea to *look through your book* and see what you need to
> get signed off and be prepared to get it done.  There will be plenty of
> adult leaders with pens ready to sign off in your book.  Since this is a
> shooting outing we will go over several of the requirements for rifle and
> shotgun shooting.
> Take a *look at the requirements for those merit badges* and know what
> you need to get signed off.
> http://www.usscouts.org/mb/worksheets/rifle-shooting.pdf
> For shooting we will be using 22 bolt action rifles and shotguns. *DO NOT
> BRING ANY AMMO*, all ammo will be provided.  When you arrive on Friday
> you must turn your rifle over to one of the adults to transport and store
> during the weekend.
> *Cost: Included in dues*
> *When:* Meet at the Scout shed TBD Friday March 15 -- should return
> 10:30-noon on Sunday.
> *Gear Needed:*  Toiletries, flashlight, mess kit, sleeping bag, mattress
> pad, scout book, notebook, clothing, personal tent/hammock, water bottle,
> etc.
> *Permission Slips:*  Permission slips can be exported/printed from
> scoutbook.
> *Waiver: CCCS waiver to be provided closer to the event.*
> *Health Forms:* Everyone must have an up to date part “A” & “B” on file
> with the troop, part “C” is not needed.
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