[Troop351] Troop 351 July Events

Josh Cooley jbcooley at cooleyhome.com
Mon Jul 8 21:42:36 CDT 2024

We have several events in the calendar for July.  The troop will be camping
at Camp Jackson July 26-28.  We will be doing meal planning next Monday, so
please RSVP in the troop calendar
<https://advancements.scouting.org/calendar> and consider volunteering to
be grubmaster for your patrol next week.   Meal planning for our campout is
earlier than usual, because we have a special event on the 22nd.

We have a Court of Honor on July 22nd.  Please bring your family to the
Court of Honor at the Asbury Gym.  We will have the ceremony and then a
party afterwards during our regular meeting time.

We have 3 mornings where we will be collecting donations for parking at the
scout shop.  You can volunteer for a slot in the comments in the band
calendar.  The scout shop will have overflow parking for swim meets, and we
will be collecting donations July 13th, 20th, and 26th.  The funds will be
used to budget for bigger campouts as part of the yearly planning the
scouts do at the August campout.

Josh Cooley
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