[Troop351] Troop 351 Feb 17 Hiking

drandmira at yahoo.com drandmira at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 15 06:20:36 CST 2024

Received an error message this morning so am trying again.

		From: drandmira at yahoo.com <drandmira at yahoo.com> 
		Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2024 8:26 PM
		To: troop at bsa351.org
		Cc: 'Julia Ott' <ott.julia.h at gmail.com>; 'Russell Ott'
<rlott26 at gmail.com>; dpcybuck at gmail.com; 'Adam Fleming'
<fleming.adam at gmail.com>; 'Josh Cooley' <jbcooley at cooleyhome.com>
		Subject: Troop 351 Feb 17 Hiking

		Explore Honeycomb Trail | AllTrails
eMap=false&ref=sidebar-static-map>  (requires AllTrails account)

		This weekend's outing will be a day hike on Saturday. We'll
meet at the Scout shed behind Asbury, head to the western end of the
Honeycomb Trail (see attachment) near Guntersville (see link below), hike
about 6-8 miles, have lunch along the way, and return. Please ensure you
have submitted or bring current Health Forms A and B and a signed permission
slip (you can find them on Scoutbook's calendar attached to this event but
we will have extras if you need one). Weather will be cloudy, cool, and no
rain. Although we aren't setting this up to accomplish a specific merit
badge or advancement requirement, we will support anyone's request to
complete requirements on the trail - map/compass, cooking, first aid, etc.
Just let us know.

			Rob Sleasman
			Josh Cooley
			Adam Fleming

			Stewart Sleasman
			Isaac Fleming
			Isaac Cooley
			Max Ott
			Nathan Ventigan

			6:30: Meet at Scout shed
			6:45: Depart Scout shed
			8:15: Arrive at western Honeycomb Trail trailhead
next to Wheeler Dam; begin the hike

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