[Troop351] Storefront @ Madison Kroger Wall-Triana Sunday 9/10 8a-2p

Timothy Lang tjlangco at gmail.com
Fri Sep 8 10:35:43 CDT 2023


We'll be holding one storefront popcorn sale this weekend at the Madison
Kroger on Wall-Triana, this Sunday 9/10 8a-2p. We have open 1-h slots at 8a
and 1p. Please sign up and work a shift if you are able. Scouts who have
not yet sold popcorn: It is highly likely you will meet the $100 Troop
sales incentive ($5 Amazon gift card) if you can work an hour! Please sign
up to work a shift at https://trails-end.com/.

Thank you,
Timothy Lang
Luke Vo
Troop 351 popcorn team
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