[Troop351] Service hours opportunity - 2023 Cotton Row Run support

drandmira at yahoo.com drandmira at yahoo.com
Wed May 24 07:47:38 CDT 2023

I'm following up from last week's email and Monday's Troop meeting to
provide the signup link. I have confirmed the details below are accurate
this year. This is a fun event that you'll enjoy. Would appreciate it if you
could sign up by Saturday so we can confirm participation level for the race



Rob Sleasman

		From: drandmira at yahoo.com <drandmira at yahoo.com> 
		Sent: Saturday, May 13, 2023 5:57 PM
		To: 'troop at bsa351.org' <troop at bsa351.org>
		Cc: 'David Cybuck' <dpcybuck at gmail.com>
		Subject: Service hours opportunity - 2023 Cotton Row Run

		Scouts and Families-
		     Heads-up: The annual Cotton Row Run is coming up on
Monday May 29th. It provides a great opportunity for us to help the
community and to get some service hours at the same time. Although I haven't
received the final specifics for this year, based on the last few years (all
having been identical for us), here's what we should expect.

		Who: Troop 351 Scouts interested in supporting the community

		What: Assisting with final setup of start/finish line;
handing out water bottles to finishers of 10k and 5k races

		When: Unless I hear something different from the race
coordinator, we'll follow same plan as last time - 
		5:30: meet at Scout shed
		5:45: depart Scout shed
		6:15: arrive downtown
		7:00: 10k race starts
		9:00: 5k race starts
		~10:00: return to Scout shed (will send updates that morning
based on how things are going)

		Where:  Start/finish line between Huntsville City Hall and
Downtown YMCA on Church Street

		Uniform will be Class A with neckerchief - BSA shorts or
pants at your discretion.

		We'll get a signup sheet out soon so you can join us.


		Rob Sleasman
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