[Troop351] BSA Medical Forms

Josh Cooley jbcooley at cooleyhome.com
Tue May 16 09:26:42 CDT 2023

Summer camp is just over a month away.  We need to start updating our
medical forms since most will expire before then.  For those that are going
to summer camp, please make sure you get a form C filled out by your
physician.  This is needed for scouts and adults.  Many family doctors or
pediatricians will fill out the form at the office if you've had a well
visit this year.

Find the forms at the link below under "Are you going to camp?"

Some scouts will have current A & B forms, but almost everyone needs a C
form before they leave for camp.  It is very important that each camper has
a C form before we depart for camp.  Please turn them in at a meeting as
soon as you are able to.

Josh Cooley
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