[Troop351] Camp Fire Program
Josh Cooley
jbcooley at cooleyhome.com
Thu Mar 9 12:59:56 CST 2023
There is a chance of rain again this evening, and the ground is already a
bit muddy. The troop will postpone the campfire program to a night where
we hope to have better weather.
On Mon, Mar 6, 2023 at 9:29 PM Josh Cooley <jbcooley at cooleyhome.com> wrote:
> Troop 351 is having a campfire program Thursday night in the Asbury field
> at the barn. We will have smores, drinks, and games. Leaders will provide
> the food and drink, scouts will provide the games. We will be inviting
> Webelos scouts to participate in an outdoor troop activity, but feel free
> to invite a friend.
> Scouts, find your favorite skit. Bring a frisbee or other game time
> activity.
> Parents:
> Thursday: 6:30-8pm
> Campfire setup 6:15
> Asbury barn (map
> <https://www.google.com/maps/place/34%C2%B043'32.1%22N+86%C2%B044'36.4%22W/@34.7255806,-86.7447331,430m>
> )
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