[Troop351] Water-sports Date Locked

David Cybuck dpcybuck at gmail.com
Mon Jul 31 12:30:19 CDT 2023

Aug 11-13 for Water-sports campout at Mr. Geartners in Arley, AL.

We picked a tentative date when we made the calendar and this is the best
for the Geartner's.  I've opened up the RSVP in scoutbook.  Please RSVP yes
or no.

Since school will have begun by the time this campout kicks of it is common
for scouts to arrive early Saturday morning if Friday evening has them
engaged with school activities.  But for now in your RSVP just RSVP yes,
even if you're only camping Saturday.

We should have enough adults to support the campout, and we could use a few
more.  Scouts of all ages have a good time during this outing.

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