[Troop351] Fort Morgan Photos

Robby C. Sperr (Home) robby at sperr.org
Mon Jan 16 17:53:59 CST 2023


Thank you for another awesome campout! I'm so proud of our scouts for their behavior and how well they exercised leadership. We had 20 scouts and 6 adults attend this weekend and that was a great turnout. To those who couldn't attend, put it on your calendar for next year. This one has always been one of my favorites and this year did not disappoint.

Below is a llink to some photos that Trevor and I took on the trip. I tried to get at least one photo of each of the boys, but some of them eluded me when I had my phone out. The video is Trevor's slideshow from his patrol's photo scavenger hunt submissions. The goal was for each patrol to take photos with their patrol's chicken at each waypoint on the fort's self-guided tour:


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