[Troop351] Scout Reminders

David Cybuck dpcybuck at gmail.com
Mon Jan 9 13:36:25 CST 2023

Meeting Tonight - Welcome back!

   - Meal plan for Fort Morgan this weekend
   - Start planning for February trek (stone mountain snow event, or
   - Scoutmaster minute spoiler - goals, long and short term.
   - Patrol outings

Last minute sign ups for Fort Morgan

   1. Check with your parents if you can go
   2. Use scout book to RSVP
      1. https://scoutbook.scouting.org/mobile/dashboard/calendar
      2. Note, scoutbook does RSVP opposed sign-up, meaning you can RSVP
      *"no"* and that helps us plan.

Huntsville Havoc February 3rd

Think Summer camp, merit badges

Get your T-Shirts - a wonderful thing to have at summer camp

We have a variety of shirt sizes.
Costs are $17 for youth sizes and $19 for adult sizes.
Adults can place their order by e-mail or see me at the meeting

Current Fort Morgan Roster (not shown, trek master, Robby Sperr)

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