[Troop351] Troop 351 visiting Browns Ferry nuclear plant

drandmira at yahoo.com drandmira at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 20 13:15:39 CST 2023

Troop 351:
I'm following up from our previous discussions about our visit the Browns
Ferry plant this Saturday to learn about nuclear science. This was a trip
requested during last summer's annual planning meeting. Here are the details
for the trip:

This coming Saturday morning (2/25/23)
	8:45	Meet at Asbury gym
	9:00	Leave Asbury gym
	9:30	Arrive at BF
	~11:30	Depart BF
	~12:00	Arrive at Asbury gym

The following Scouts and adult leader have signed up. Please let me know if
I have missed or added someone by accident.
		Noah Gallagher				David Cybuck
		Isaac Caldwell				Rob Sleasman
		Isaac Fleming				Brady Gallagher
		Bryce Sisco				Brandon Sisco
		Archer Sisco				James Caldwell
		Stewart Sleasman
		Alex Emmons
		Benjamin Klasing (maybe)
		Levi Cybuck
		Cain Cybuck

While they do not let people into the actual live plant, they have
classrooms and mockups on site that we'll see.
Uniform will be Class A
Information shared will help with the Nuclear Science merit badge.


		     Rob Sleasman
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