[Troop351] Scout Night at the Havoc

Cameron Smith cameron_richard_smith at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 1 18:34:53 CST 2023

Troop 351,

Just a few notes about the upcoming Scout Night at the Huntsville Havoc:

When: 3 February from 5:15 to 10:00-10:30 (Estimated Return to Asbury)
Where: Meetup in front of the Asbury Gym at 5:15 (out front of normal Troop meeting location)
What: We will travel as a group departing at 5:30 to the Von Braun Center for the Huntsville Havoc hockey game vs. the Macon Mayhem
Uniform: Class A's

Meals: Each attendee will receive a meal voucher (Hot Dog, Soda, and Chips).
If you would like something different, please bring either a visa gift card or a debit/credit card to purchase food at the Von Braun Center (cashless arena).
Alternatively, you may eat before we meet up at Asbury, but it will be about 5 hours before we return.

For any Scouts with family members attending the game as part of another Troop or Cub Scout Pack, you can leave with your family once a parent has cleared you to leave with a Scoutmaster.

Scouts will utilize the buddy system while a the Von Braun Center.

Scout Attendees (16):
Alex C.
Archer S.
Bao N.
Bennett S.
Bryce S.
Carson D.
Isaac F.
Seth Fleming
Levi C.
Logan C.
Luke G.
Noah G.
Roddy B.
Stewart S.
Embree C.
Marshall M.

Adults (6):
Cameron Smith
Adam Fleming
Heath Conyers
David Cybuck
Brady Gallagher
Frank McCall

See you Friday and Go Havoc!!
Cameron Smith
Assistant Scoutmaster

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