[Troop351] Popcorn storefronts this Saturday and Sunday 8/19 & 8/20!

Timothy Lang tjlangco at gmail.com
Fri Aug 18 06:45:23 CDT 2023

Troop 351,

The Saturday popcorn storefront is looking pretty good - all shifts have at
least one Scout. Awesome! However, Sunday we could use some more support.
We have completely open shifts at 8a and then again 10a, 11a, & 12p. The
latter 3 shifts ought to be pretty busy too. Please sign up if you are
available. If you need help getting registered in Trails End, please
contact Mr. Vo and me. Both storefronts are here in Madison (Saturday -
Lowe's on Hwy 72, Sunday - Wall Triana Kroger).

Thank you,
Timothy Lang

On Mon, Aug 14, 2023 at 7:40 PM Timothy Lang <tjlangco at gmail.com> wrote:

> Troop,
> We have two popcorn storefronts this weekend. The first will be 2-8p on
> Saturday 8/19 @ Lowe's in Madison (7920 Hwy 72 W, Madison, AL 35757). The
> second is the following Sunday 8/20 8a-2p @ the Kroger on Wall-Triana (4579
> Wall Triana Hwy, Madison, AL 35758). Please sign up to work a shift or two
> in Trails End (https://www.trails-end.com/). If you haven't yet
> registered in Trails End to sell for Troop 351, I had Trails End send out
> invites to the parents of unregistered Scouts a week or so ago. Please
> check your spam if you haven't seen those. Otherwise, contact me or Mr. Vo
> (cc'd) for help. If you sold for Troop 351 last year, you are already
> registered and can sign up for shifts right away!
> We can have up to two Scouts working per shift, but if there is a
> completely open shift please sign up for that before doubling up.
> Historically, if you work 1-2 storefront shifts (1-h each) you will likely
> qualify for $100 in sales credit for the Troop, which would qualify you for
> the $5 Amazon gift card sales incentive!
> Thank you,
> Timothy Lang
> Luke Vo
> Troop 351 popcorn team
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