[Troop351] Fwd: Garrett Gallagher's Eagle Scout Court of Honor Invitation

David Cybuck dpcybuck at gmail.com
Thu Apr 27 16:31:55 CDT 2023

It’s party time!!!!!   Save the date.  May 13, on Monte Sano.

If you are new to scouts or the troop I would recommend going.  It’s fun,
there might be food, and most of all…we get to celebrate the culmination of
all the work and personal growth over the years.

If you’re not new to the troop then you already know special these events
are. :)

See y’all there,
Mr Cybuck

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Brady Gallagher <bradygallagher98 at gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Apr 26, 2023 at 9:10 PM
Subject: Garrett Gallagher's Eagle Scout Court of Honor Invitation
To: David Cybuck <dpcybuck at gmail.com>, Josh Cooley <jbcooley at cooleyhome.com>,
Robby C. Sperr (Home) <Robby at sperr.org>, Rob and Deanna Sleasman <
drandmira at yahoo.com>
CC: Amanda Gallagher <gallagherfam01 at gmail.com>, Luke Gallagher <
gluke213 at gmail.com>, Garrett Gallagher <garrettag2004 at gmail.com>

Good evening, please find the attached Eagle Scout Court of Honor
Invitation for Garrett.  Please send out to the Troop via email distro, the
basic 5Ws are below:

Who: Garrett Gallagher

What: Eagle Scout Court of Honor

When: Saturday, 13 May at 11:00am

Where: Monte Sano State Park, YACC Pavilion, 5105 Nolen Ave. SE,
Huntsville, AL
Note that the YACC pavilion is located across the street from the park
office and campground store.

Why: To award and congratulate Garrett on the award of Eagle Scout.

Additional:  Please tell the gate that you are there for the Eagle Scout
ceremony at the YACC pavilion, park entrance is covered.

Thank you!
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