[Troop351] Advancements Process

Robby C. Sperr (Home) Robby at sperr.org
Tue May 24 10:18:37 CDT 2022


At last night's troop meeting, we talked about how rank advancement and merit badges work. Attached are my notes from that discussion.

I also passed out blue cards to everyone who had not earned the Fingerprinting merit badge...it's the easiest one to earn. If you still need one, see Mr. Cybuck at the next meeting. You can find the requirements for each merit badge on the official BSA website here:


And if you'd like a user friendly worksheet to use for completing the requirements, I usually recommend meritbadge.org. However, their website seems to be down more often than it's up recently, and I found the same information available on this website:


Also attached to this email is the worksheet for the Fingerprinting merit badge that I downloaded from USscouts.org. It would be great if everyone could start off the summer by earning this merit badge by the next troop meeting.

There are plenty of online resources to help with merit badges. Here is one example for the Fingerprinting merit badge:


If you have any questions about the process of rank advancements or merit badges, please ask! I'm here to help each scout reach whatever goal they set for themselves and I encourage each scout to set goals for when they want to earn each rank.

Yours in Scouting,

--Mr. Sperr
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