[Troop351] Webelos Bridging

Josh Cooley jbcooley at cooleyhome.com
Mon Mar 21 22:06:19 CDT 2022

The troop is going to be welcoming Webelos scouts from two different packs
this weekend.  We've got Pack 351 bridging Saturday evening and Pack 201
bridging Sunday afternoon.  Below are the roster of volunteers for each

Pack 351 @ Asbury Gym
Saturday March 26

* Alex Emmons (serving)
* Isaac Fleming (serving)
* Garret Gallagher (serving)
* Luke Gallagher (serving)
* Levi Cybuck

If you volunteered to serve food at the banquet before the bridging, please
arrive at 5:30.  For bridging, please arrive by 6:30.  There will be meals
provided starting at 6.  We plan to be finished by 8pm.

Pack 201 @ Good Shepherd United Methodist - corner of Old Railroad Bed and
Sunday March 27

* Luke Bogardus
* Gabe Gossett
* Nicholas Cooley
* Roddy Boatwright
* Cybuck

Pack 201 has a banquet before their bridging ceremony at 2pm.  The bridging
ceremony follows and is scheduled to start at 3pm.  Please arrive at 2pm.
The bridging ceremony should be complete by 3:30 or 3:45.
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