[Troop351] Conservation Service Project

Josh Cooley jbcooley at cooleyhome.com
Wed Jun 15 21:57:28 CDT 2022

The planning for this service project has been last minute.  We do not have
enough adults to have additional scouts participate in this project.
Please let me know if you are interested in this project, and I will send
you an update if I have any late changes.  But at this time, I'm unable to
support a troop service project.

On Wed, Jun 15, 2022 at 4:08 PM Josh Cooley <jbcooley at cooleyhome.com> wrote:

> Nicholas is planning a conservation service project tomorrow (Thursday)
> morning beside the Asbury gym.  He's going to start at 7am clearing out
> fallen limbs and clearing brush at the amphitheater there.  He'd like to
> invite other scouts, but we need another registered adult who can be there
> while they work on the project.
> For adults, please let me know if you can be at Asbury at 7am for about 3
> hours (or part of that if you are unavailable the full time).
> For scouts, please wait for a follow up email to ensure we have adults
> that can be there.  If you are working, dress for work and bring gloves and
> water.  Tools will be limited.  If you have access to scout safe tools,
> please bring them.
> Thanks,
> Josh Cooley
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