[Troop351] Cavern Cove Shooting Campout

David Cybuck dpcybuck at gmail.com
Thu Feb 3 15:22:02 CST 2022

Roster and some preliminary thoughts.  The permission slip and standard
info will come later tonight.

The is one of my favorite campouts of the year.  We are blessed, lucky,
fortunate, and excited to have the Pope family, and their partners, out at
CCCS host us.  It is a real treat.  From the campfire ring to the hiking
trails, and the shooting in between. 10,000x thank you.

The boys have divided into 2 patrols, @Richard Ventigan
<ventiganrl at gmail.com>  is our trek master.
John Litavec
Isacc Flemming
Logan Comperda
Nathan Tate
Mathew Campell
Gabe Gossett
Levi Cybuck

Alex Emmons
Samuel Klassing
Elliot Davison
Levi Cybuck - Saturday
Steward Sleasman
Nicholas Ventigan
Isaac Caldwell
Trevor Sperr

Richard Ventigan
David Cybuck - Saturday
Robby Sperr
Rob Sleasman
Jason Tate
Adam Flemming
Jason Caldwell - Saturday
Doug Litivec? - Saturday?
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