[Troop351] Popcorn Storefront Sale This Sunday!

Timothy Lang tjlangco at gmail.com
Wed Aug 24 20:51:13 CDT 2022


Here is a reminder of the popcorn storefront on Sunday, 8/28. Many shifts
are still available. Remember that not only does the amount of shifts you
work throughout the season count toward your storefront sales totals (for
purposes of gift cards, money toward dues & summer camp, and other
rewards), but also the patrol with the most hours worked for the whole
season (6 storefronts) gets the custom pocket knives!

We will be at the Huntsville Kroger on North Memorial Parkway (431 &
Oakwood). In Trails End there are two separate shift blocks you can sign up
within, one 8a-2p, and one 2-8p. Within those blocks you can sign up for
1-hour shifts. The Troop doesn't have to work the whole 12 hours but I am
willing to support Scouts for however long they want to stay out there!

*Note: Those of you going on this weekend's campout can work an afternoon

Thanks very much to those who have already sold some popcorn and signed up
for shifts! We are off to a good start.

Thanks again,
Timothy Lang
Troop 351 Popcorn Kernel

P.S., If you need help registering in Trails End, please don't hesitate to
contact me.
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