[Troop351] Talladega Campout in October

Robby C. Sperr (Home) Robby at sperr.org
Sun Aug 14 19:07:31 CDT 2022


The Talladega 500 campout will be Friday, September 30th through Sunday,  October 2nd. We need to purchase our tickets immediately, so please email me as soon as possible if your scout will be attending. For youth attendees, the troop covers these costs:

  *   Admission to both races (Saturday and Sunday)
  *   Garage Experience (+ pre-race pit road access, if available)
  *   Scouts-only, alcohol-free campground
  *   Special Talladega scout event patch
  *   Meals prepared by the scouts at our campsite

The cost for adults is $125.

Despite Talladega's reputation, we aim for this outing to be a wholesome activity. Boy Scout participation is important to the track and they work hard to make this a good experience for us. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to ask me. This will be my fifth time organizing the campout to Talladega and, so far, each year has been better than the last.

Yours in Scouting,

--Robby Sperr
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